In Memory of



Obituary for Stanley Mann

Stanley Keith Mann
November 22, 1932 – March 6, 2024
On March 6, 2024, Stan Mann died peacefully in his home at the age of 91 surrounded by family.
Stan is survived by his wife, Dorothy, his sister, Donna, his three children, two stepsons, eleven grandchildren, and three great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his parents, Elmer and Halia Mann.
Stan was born on November 22, 1932, in La Junta, CO. He graduated from Wheatridge High School and
continued his education at the University of Colorado in Boulder. While attending college, he
started and ran a successful gym – Boulder Athletic Club. He then went on to get his Juris
Doctorate in law and became an Attorney. He had a deep love and appreciation for the subject
and spent his life practicing many facets of law in both Colorado and California.
In addition to being a successful lawyer, he had a passion for building and development. He
built four of his homes himself (mostly with his own labor) and was the driving force behind
several land and subdivision developments. He owned a large geothermal project in New
Mexico and a farm in Canada.
One of the highlights of his career was becoming a tenured professor of Business Law for the
MBA program at Pepperdine University in Malibu, California including a year-long professorship
at a satellite campus in Germany. He had a genuine passion for teaching graduate students the
subject he loved.
After returning from California, Stan discovered the beauty and richness of the history of
Walsenburg, Colorado. He made a significant investment in land with a vision to build
something special that would not only be a beautiful home and gathering place for him and his
family but one that would serve the community. He had a very deep faith in God and his goal
was to create a gathering place to conduct spiritual renewal retreats, seminars, events, and
performances designed to present and spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Over the last 25
years, with countless hours devoted to designing and building the perfect home, Stan created
Villa Jubilee - a place that has thrived, filling it with family reunions, concerts, retreats, seminars,
meetings, bible studies and hosting missionaries from all over the world. Not only has he built a
beautiful home in Walsenburg, but he has become part of a community that he loves deeply and
has held leadership roles in the Huerfano Community Bible Church, which has become his
second home and family.
Stan never did anything small, everything he set his mind to was on a grand scale. He was a
true visionary and accomplished much in his life, but the driving factor behind everything he did
was his faith in God above all else. His favorite verse was, “Whatever your hand finds to do, do
it with all your might; for there is no work or device or knowledge or wisdom in the grave where
you are going.” (Ecclesiastes 9:10). He will be greatly missed.
A Celebration of Life memorial service for Stan Mann is scheduled at 1:00 PM on Sunday,
March 24, 2024 at Villa Jubilee, Stan’s home. The memorial service will also be live-streamed.
Watch for more information coming soon at